How-to guide - Add Progress Updates

How-to guide - Add Progress Updates


  1. Once the app is shown (see How-to guide - Show Progress Updates in Issue Panel), the application menu will be shown in the right-hand top corner of the app.

  2. Click the to show the actions menu.


  3. Click New Update to create a new update. A popup will be displayed.
    Enter the headline shown with the tag - this is optional but is a quick way to show stakeholders the issue's update.


  4. Tag colours are a quick way to signify the status of the issue. There are many colours to choose from (see Validate Progress Update Tags for a list).


  5. The data picker allows for daily updates. However, a better practice might be weekly or fortnightly, depending on your communication cadence.

Note that there can only be one update per a day/date. Updates can be added to via the edit function if there is a need for more than daily updates.


  1. The Update field will grow as more text is added (sometimes, it takes a space or newline to trigger the resize). The field can also contain simple HTML tags to make the update visually appealing (see Validate Progress Update Tags for more details). Note: a rich text box is not available within the Atlassian UI Kit.


  2. Click Save to create and display the update record within the issue panel.

  3. A notification will be sent to the editor, the assignee, and the watchers of the issue following the notification scheme(s).


Progress updates are stored as properties against the issue. If you uninstall the application the properties will remain on the item and can be view via the rest API. If you install the application at a later state then the updates will be again shown.